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The Terminator RPG: T2 Judgment Day

The Terminator RPG: T2 Judgment Day

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The Terminator RPG: T2 - Judgment Day

The T2 - Judgment sourcebook gives you what you did and didn't know you needed for your Terminator campaign: expansive time travel rules, a cold war from the future to the past and back again, and everything there is to know about humankind's final decade of decadence—the 1990s. It is the official roleplaying game sourcebook for the 'The Terminator RPG' based on The Terminator 2: Judgment Day movie. This sourcebook expands upon the comic and cinematic universe from hardcore existing canon to create a living and breathing world with a multitude of possible and probable timelines.

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: The Final Days of Civilisation provides guidance on roleplaying in the United States, in the 1990s, in the world of The Terminator RPG.

Chapter 3: Future War provides everything you need to know about life in the Dark Future. This chapter also includes ten new Resistance Specialists to play.

Chapter 4: War Across Time covers time travel, a major weapon is Skynet's arsenal. The hostory and tools of the Time Deplacement Commandos (TDC) are covered in this chapter, as are the dangers and ramifications to time travel.

Chapter 5: Advanced Character Roles provides more Director/Player options in the form of Tech-Com, which is the destination for those who show promise amongst the rank and file. Tech-Com members are the best of the best. This chapter also provides rules for Tewrminators as player characters.

Chapter 6: Targetted for Terminator provides stats for all of the main characters from the Terminator franchise, as well as some that got lost on the cutting room floor and others that are possible for characters still young and on the run at the time of the Cyberdyne raid.

Chapter 7: Equipment, aka Gear and Guns, talks about gearing up in the 1990s. And we don't mean favorite flannels, personal compact disc players, or electronic pocket pets...we're talking the hardcore stuff that's necessary to complete missions or save your ass when the chips are down. This chapter includes 1990s equipment as well as its Dark Future versions.

Chapter 8: Vehicles covers modern (Dark Future) and classic (circa 1990s) vehicles, and stats out everything. And we do mean everything.

Chapter 9: Wildlife reminds Directors that humans and machines are the only things out there that go bump in the night. Many of the animals covered herein are alive in some fashion in the Dark Future, so watch yourself in the charred woods.

Chapter 10: Mortem Ex Machina dives deep into Skynet's arsenal of Hunter Killers, Terminators, and more.

Chapter 11: Advanced Hacking Rules presents option hacking rules that expand upon those found in The Terminator RPG.

Chapter 12: Missions includes three full missions for the Resistance fighting the future war.

Into the Valley of Metal lets all of the players run Terminator PCs, using the new rules from Chapter 5. In it, they're newly activated T-800s, programmed and equipped for a seek and destroy mission on a resistance hideout.
Assault on Thunder Mountain brings you face to face with Skynet 2.0 in its mountain lair. The machines are on the move with a nuclear arsenal, ready to finish what Judgment Day started.
Terminator Two: Judgment Day takes us back to where this book began: Terminator 2: Judgment Day, in mission form! Follow the path of the film or deviate into a re-imagining of your own!

Mission Generators provides you with a few of 2D10 Generators.
2020s, for those Dark Future missions you need to generate on the go.
1990s, for quick mission ideas set in the 1990s.
Data Breach rounds out the "generators" section of the book, and provides a 2D10 table of files that may be found within Skynet's directories.

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