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A flock of gulls settles down on the rocks as the waves crash in around an ancient idol, the only remaining relic from a temple now forgotten by the descendants of those who built it.

Down the coast lies a bustling city, heedless of the complex past, each individual living life as easily and as peacefully as possible. Giant ship captains, standing 12 feet high, issue commands to the black-furred, bestial sibeccai sailors aboard fantastic craft like those that once, hundreds of years ago, crossed the Great Eastern Sea. Cautious, brown-maned litorian warriors watch those around them closely, while diminutive faen and even tiny sprytes dart about, on their way to some great adventure. Stoic, vinaceous-skinned verrik and draconic-featured mojh stand among the human dockworkers, conscious of their difference—but silent.

In this noble, giant-ruled land, explore the reaches of the Floating Forest. Discover the incomparable beauty of the magical Crystal Fields. Learn the secret of the God-King of the verrick people. But beware the military might of the chorrim and the fiendish powers of the shadow trolls…

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