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How to Organize and Store Your RPG Accessories

How to Organize and Store Your RPG Accessories

As a passionate tabletop role-player, you understand the importance of keeping your RPG accessories organized and in top condition. Whether you're a seasoned dungeon master or a new adventurer, having a well-organized collection can make your gaming sessions more enjoyable and efficient. At, we offer a variety of storage solutions to help you keep your accessories in perfect order. Here are some practical tips to help you manage your RPG accessories effectively.

1. Categorize Your Accessories

The first step in organizing your RPG accessories is to categorize them. Group similar items together to make them easier to find and store. Common categories include:

  • Dice
  • Miniatures
  • Maps and Tiles
  • Books and Rule Guides
  • Character Sheets
  • Tokens and Counters

By sorting your accessories into these categories, you can quickly locate what you need during your gaming sessions.

2. Use Storage Containers

Investing in quality storage containers can make a significant difference in keeping your accessories organized. Consider using the following storage solutions available through

  • Dice Bags and Trays: Brands like Misty Mountain Gaming and Easy Roller Dice Company offer durable and stylish dice bags and trays to keep your dice safe and easily accessible.
  • Miniature Cases: Protect your miniatures from damage with cases designed to hold and transport them securely. Medieval Depot offers a range of options to suit different needs.
  • Map Tubes and Folders: Store your maps and tiles in tubes or folders to prevent them from getting creased or damaged. These are essential for keeping your game setup looking professional.
  • Bookshelves and Bookends: Keep your rulebooks and guides neatly organized on a bookshelf. Use bookends to prevent them from toppling over.

3. Label Everything

Labeling your storage containers can save you time and frustration. Use clear, easy-to-read labels to identify the contents of each container. This is especially helpful when you have multiple boxes or cases for different types of accessories.

4. Create a Dedicated Gaming Space

Having a dedicated space for your RPG sessions can help keep everything organized. Set up a gaming table with ample space for your accessories, and use shelves or cabinets to store items when not in use. This will help you maintain a tidy and inviting gaming environment.

5. Regularly Declutter and Update

Periodically review your collection and remove items you no longer use. This will help you maintain an organized space and make room for new accessories. Consider donating or selling unused items to other gamers who might need them.

6. Utilize Digital Tools

Incorporate digital tools to complement your physical storage solutions. Use apps and digital platforms to keep track of your inventory, manage character sheets, and access rulebooks. This can reduce the amount of physical clutter and make it easier to find information during your games.

7. Protect Your Accessories

Keeping your accessories in top condition is essential for their longevity. Here are some tips to protect your items:

  • Store Dice Properly: Keep your dice in a padded bag or tray to prevent chipping and scratching.
  • Handle Miniatures with Care: When handling miniatures, hold them by the base to avoid damaging delicate parts.
  • Keep Books in Good Condition: Store books upright on a shelf and avoid stacking them horizontally to prevent spine damage.

8. Explore Our Storage Solutions

At, we offer a wide range of storage solutions to help you keep your RPG accessories organized and protected. From high-quality dice bags by Misty Mountain Gaming to durable miniature cases by Medieval Depot, we have everything you need to enhance your gaming experience. Plus, with our free 30-day Amazon Prime trial, you can access these resources quickly and easily.

9. Connect with the Community

Join our community of tabletop role-players to share tips and ideas for organizing and storing RPG accessories. Engage with fellow enthusiasts to discover new storage solutions and enhance your gaming setup. Our platform supports international customers, including those in Canada, ensuring everyone can benefit from our resources.

10. Stay Updated with New Products

Keep an eye on our website for the latest products and storage solutions from renowned brands like Misty Mountain Gaming, Dnd Dice, Easy Roller Dice Company, and Medieval Depot. Staying updated with new releases can help you find innovative ways to organize and store your accessories.

By following these practical tips and exploring the storage solutions available through, you can keep your RPG accessories organized and in top condition, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience.

*Photo by Ksenia Chernaya

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