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An indepth look at the new American Indian, various tribes, cultures, magic, and gods. While the White Man wars with D-bees, sorcerers and his brothers in the East, the Red Man is quietly building new nations in the West. Over a dozen O.C.C.s, including the Animal Shaman, Mask Shaman, Paradox Shaman, Elemental Shaman, Tribal Warrior, Mystic Warrior, Spirit Warrior and others. * Minor, Great, and Legendary Fetishes – objects of magic. * Totem Animals and the special character traits, bonuses and skills they bestow. * Over 30 Shamantic spells plus special Shaman powers. * Native American beliefs, culture and viewpoints. * Notable weapons and equipment; low- and high-tech. * Notable spirits, Elementals, monsters and gods. * Notable places, territories, leaders, and world information. * Overview of the Indian Territories, maps and adventure ideas. * Written by Wayne Breaux Jr.; additional text by Siembieda. * Over 200 pages! *For use with the Rifts RPG.

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